About Us covers everything about our volunteers, committees, Board of Directors and everyone who helps us out.
The Quartzsite Improvement Association is entirely staffed and run by volunteers. Some live in Quartzite all year, while many return from many parts of North America for the "Winter Season".
There is an elected Board of Directors that reports to the Membership once a month, during the winter season. Many members return before the official opening to help us out with cleaning and setup of all the activity areas. This place takes many hands to get involved, to help our community, and to support our local "families".
It is really gratifying to see so many people returning to Quartzite (every year) and the first stop they make is to the QIA and usually to volunteer for any of the many needed positions.
QIA Leadership:
President: Gary Rhinevault
Vice President: Nancy Nichols
Treasurer: Shirley Hopkins
Acting Secretary: Cristy Elliott
Director: Danny Thompson
Director: Lonnie Foss
Director: Janice Dike
Director: Sheryl Well
Director: Mark Goldberg
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